Vision Plus 55 SH

latest technologies for an optimum
all day long hydration
Unique contact lens material containing sodium hyaluronate already before the moulding step
Innovative and unique technology
High definition vision
Aspheric geometry allowing full aberration control with improved visual acuity at all distances, for a sharper and clearer vision
UV absorber
No loss of comfort and wettability, as sodium hyaluronate is part of the new chemical structure of the raw material of the lens
Sodium hyaluronate is a natural, biocompatible and highly viscous molecule with excellent wetting and lubricant properties. While manufacturing the VisionPlus 55SH lenses, this component is added to the HEMA and the other raw materials before the moulding step. In this way a new chemical structure is obtained and sodium hyaluronate will not be released outside the lens, with sensible gain of comfort and wettability. This innovative and unique technology differs from other technologies that add sodium hyaluronate only during the hydration process.
Water Content
Base Curve
Central thickness at -3.00
Power range
Bioxilicon B with UV absorber
14.2 mm
8.6 mm
0.10 mm
+10.00 Dt to -15.00 Dt
(from +10.00 to +6.50 and from -6.50 to -15.00 in 0.50 step; from +6.00 to -6.00 in 0.25 step)
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