UnodropsHY Drops
the power of Sodium Hyaluronate
for a immediate relief of the eyes
UnodropsHY gives an immediate and lasting sense of relief and restores the right hydration of the eye.
Sodium Hyaluronate has high viscoelastic properties, which improves the lubrication and biocompatibility of the lenses.
UnodropsHY Nebiluzer
a unique eye drop available
in spray to be used on open eyes

UnodropsHY Spray is the only and unique eye drop available in spray to be used on open eyes.
It helps to relieve tired and red eye conditions.
Thanks to its high vaporization, it can be applied with contact lenses and with make up as well.
High hyaluronic acid concentration (0.3%)
Compatible with all type of contact lenses
Immediate relief thanks to its high viscosity
Improved lubrication
Rapid aid to tired and dry eyes
100% made in Italy
Optimal hyaluronic acid concentration (0.2%)
To be used on open eyes
Easy handling thanks to its vaporization system
Compatible with all type of contact lenses and make up
Quick eye rehydration in spray
100% made in Italy
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